45 years
In 1978 I joined the Midland
As a 16 year old girl
Having thought of no other options
I thought I’d give it a whirl.
Wimbledon was my first branch
And then moved to Thames Ditton
I had my baby Charlotte
And left as I was smitten.
Along came Sophie one year later
And an offer came to me
To join Chessington Branch
Back at HSBC.
After that the relief team
I really loved that role
Going to different branches
In and out I’d stroll.
Then I was made redundant
A sad day for us all
So off I went to Epsom
And life was just a ball.
Then I went back on relief
As the job was needed badly
And just as quickly as it started
It disbanded very sadly.
Ewell branch was the next stop
And there I wanted to stay
As I knew most of the customers
And I only lived 5 minutes away.
I went to Sutton for a while
But spent most of my time at Cheam
I then joined Worcester park branch
And that job was just a dream.
After that we made the move
To go to pastures new
New Milton was my last branch
And oh how I loved you. xx
I’ve met some fantastic people
In my long career
Friends that will last forever
I’ll always hold them dear.
Friends that I’m their children’s godmum
And they are that to mine
I am so lucky that I’ve met them
Life has been just fine!!
Adrema plates and cheque book drawers
The changes have been so many
Safe custody binders and ledger saws
Gift cheques and plastic money.
Thank you to all the friends
That I’ve worked with over the years
As my last day at work looms near
Im sure there will be some tears.
But now it’s time for pastures new
I’ve had a great long run
So I hand my pass and keys back
It’s time to have some fun.
What shall one do in retirement I say
Cash in my pension and blow it!!
Or I always could pick up my pen
And try hard to become a poet.