One of my sons Xmas presents, a pair of 6d cufflinks, has reminded me that this weekend is the 50th anniversary of decimalisation.
I had arrived, aged 23, at East Grinstead in late October 1970 and on arrival the branch manager, Fred Pegrum, had put me in charge of decimalisation.
On Wednesday 10th February 1971 we had closed for business as usual but didn't reopen until Monday 15th to allow us the change everything from £sd to decimals.
It turned into a non event and most staff went home on the morning of Friday 12th with all the work completed.
Project 70 had not delivered computerisation in time and so the task was mostly a manual process!!
Back in 1970 I had helped delivered decimal coins to the surrounding branches to Redhill branch on the back of a flat bed truck provided by a local builder customer.
Newsletter 23
